Mermaid Mia

Meet Mia, a dedicated military spouse and marine life enthusiast! From being a Senior Educator for the largest AZA-accredited zoological marine mammal facility to educating and instructing in the coral reefs of Okinawa, JP; Mia always endeavors to get to know the local environment, its inhabitants, and how we can help protect them.
As a two time IRONMAN finisher, Mia has proven her tireless resolve and dedication to accomplishing whatever goals she sets. Though challenges may come our way, through these humbling experiences, Mia has learned to embody the timeless motto of, "where there's a will, there's a way" that spills over into her passion and empathy when it comes to instructing new and experienced students of all ages.
Mia became a PADI Pro as a SCUBA instructor through MCCS in Okinawa and became a PADI Mermaid instructor at the program's inception. She has since launched PADI Mermaid course offerings on two different continents and is now one of PADI America's first few Mermaid Instructor Trainers.