SASY this program is for those 5 and up who want to get in and see what all the fuss is about.  Unfortunately you do not get to go under water yet, not quite old enough, but you do get to breathe off the regulator and a small cylinder while wearing a flotation device and mask with snorkel and fins just like all the other divers in the water.  Come watch whats going on below and have fun.

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

SASY (Surface Air Supplied Youth) is for kids of all ages but targeted for those 5-8 that aren't quite old enough for the other PADI programs offered.  

  • They do not go underwater
  • They are with a Patriot Diving pro the whole time
  • They will be wearing appropriate sized flotation gear with a 14cuft cylinder
  • Get to see what it's like to breathe on the same kit everyone else is using and develope that taste for being an ambasador of the ocean environment at an early age

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