
Become a Mermaid!

Discover Mermaid Come make your dreams come true and try being a Mermaid, Mermaid Mia! The Discover Mermaid™ experience introduces simple mermaid activities in confined water (i.e., a pool or place with pool-like conditions), shallow enough in which to stand. It is designed as a flexible, informative, enjoyable, and controlled ex...

Beginner Mermaid The PADI Mermaid™ course includes knowledge development and at least two water skill sessions that develop more dynamic mermaid skills beyond Basic Mermaid™, including many skills that make mermaiding an underwater self-expressive art, separate from other types of diving. (Note that the PADI Mermaid course ...

Mermaid Certification This is for 10 years old and up. It includes the Basic Mermaid certification but adds another portion. You will need to be able to swim 50m/160ft without swim aids, float comfortably at the surface for at least 5 minutes, and be in good physical health. And there is also an eLearning component. You learn how to sw...

Advanced Mermaid In the PADI Advanced Mermaid™ course, you'll build on your PADI Mermaid™ certification and apply it to the open water environment.   Do your Mermaid and Advanced Mermaid together and get a discount! 
